Home Remedies for Bed Bugs Removal

Home Remedies to Kill Bed Bugs

Are you living in fear of a dreaded bed bug infestation? Bed bugs are incredibly difficult to contain and eliminate, leaving many homeowners feeling hopeless. Unfortunately, the use of chemical-based products to treat these pests can cause further health risks.

Fortunately, there are home remedies which offer an effective and safe alternative for eliminating bed bugs from your environment.

In this blog post, we will discuss various natural home remedies that may help get rid of bed bugs and prevent them from returning.

From vacuuming regularly to using essential oils and herbal treatments — readers will learn how to protect their homes without harsh chemicals or extreme measures!

Let’s dive into the world of home remedies for getting rid of these pesky invaders once and for all.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Vacuuming, steam cleaning, washing all clothes and bedding, using silica gel, rubbing alcohol and scented dryer sheets are just some of the effective home remedies for eliminating bed bugs.

1. Vacuuming

One effective DIY solution for bed bug control is vacuuming. Vacuuming can help remove both adult bed bugs and nymphs, making it an important tool in any pest control strategy. Suction power from a vacuum cleaner helps contain bed bugs, so they don’t spread throughout the household or even to neighbors.

Additionally, some technicians vacuum up diatomaceous earth or other insecticides to kill bed bugs and their eggs on contact.

2. Steam cleaning

Steam cleaning is a recommended method for getting rid of bed bugs in hard-to-reach areas. It effectively uses heat to kill bed bugs and their eggs, eliminating any infestation.

Steam cleaning can be used on mattresses and box springs as well as underneath furniture or other items. Heat from the steam penetrates soft materials such as fabrics, carpets, and stuffed animals, killing any bed bug present.

Homeowners, renters, landlords, pest control professionals, parents and travelers can all benefit from using steam cleaning for its effective eradication of bed bugs without relying on harsh chemicals that may cause health risks like allergic reactions.

Additionally those with pets need not worry about them being exposed to harmful pesticides when this natural technique is put into use!

3. Washing all clothes and bedding

Washing all clothes and bedding is a great home remedy to get rid of bed bugs. It helps kill and remove the pests from your items, particularly if they are washed in hot water for at least 30 minutes.

When doing laundry, it’s important to check fabric labels as some may not be able to withstand this temperature or tumble drying.

After washing, it’s recommended that you dry all clothes and bedding on high heat for an additional 30 minutes as this will help effectively kill any remaining bugs that might have been missed by washing.

4. Using silica gel

Silica gel is a great home remedy to get rid of bed bugs. It removes a portion of the outer coating of bed bugs, making it difficult for them to retain moisture and thus weakening the insect itself.

This natural form of pest control is commonly found in small packets used to keep food products and shoe boxes dry and if ground up can also be used as an insecticide alternative.

In fact, studies have shown that combining non-chemical measures with silica gel dust treatment are more effective in reducing occurrences of bed bug infestation compared to using non-chemical treatments alone.

Using silica gel as a DIY solution for managing your own personal bed bug problem could be advantageous not only because it’s easily accessible but because they won’t harm other living creatures either.

5. Rubbing alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is often recommended as an effective and cost-efficient method for controlling bed bugs. Direct contact with rubbing alcohol will kill the bed bugs on contact and it also acts as a desiccant, meaning it can dissolve the exoskeleton of the bug.

The most common products used are those containing either 70% or 91% isopropyl alcohol which should be applied directly to cracks and crevices, items that cannot be vacuumed or laundered, seams of mattresses, furniture legs where bed bugs may hide.

6. Scented dryer sheets

Scented dryer sheets are often suggested as a home remedy for bed bug control, due to their strong scent. The idea is that the strong smell can mask the scent of the bed bugs, making them less likely to go near it.

Though there’s no scientific evidence to support this notion, some individuals report temporary success with using scented dryer sheets when dealing with a mild infestation.

To get rid of an existing infestation or prevent future ones, other methods might be needed in combination with dryer sheets.

7. Using a hair dryer

Using a hair dryer is an effective home remedy for instantly getting rid of bed bugs. The heat from a hair dryer can kill aerobic and anaerbic bed bugs.

It’s important to make sure the heater settings are set on the highest setting with low airflow in order to be as effective as possible.

This process can be used on clothes, furniture, and bedding materials in order to focus on effectively reducing infestations but should not replace professional treatments or other home remedies such as pesticides.

8. Using a stiff brush

Using a stiff brush is an effective way to get rid of bed bugs. It can dislodge bed bugs and eggs that resist vacuum suction. Brushing can be a useful technique for loosening up and removing bugs or eggs from mattresses and furniture with upholstery.

Doing this regularly will help keep any potential infestation under control, as well as proving an important part of regular deep cleaning routines in the home or for business premises. A stiff brush must be used, so that it can agitate the surface enough to dislodge pests without damaging the cloth material underneath.

Once finished, all dead insects should be vacuumed away immediately to prevent them spreading further around the room or through neighbouring rooms.

9. Applying double-sided tape

Applying double-sided tape is an effective and simple home remedy to get rid of bed bugs. The tape creates an adhesive barrier that can trap bedbugs as they try to climb walls, furniture, or into bedding. By surrounding the infested area with double-sided tape, you are preventing the bed bugs from migrating and reproducing elsewhere in your home.

10. Sprinkling baking soda

Sprinkling baking soda is one of the home remedies that is often recommended as a natural way to get rid of bed bugs. It is suggested by some advocates that its abrasive nature may desiccate or dry out the pests, though there is no scientific evidence to support this method for eradicating bed bugs.

Sprinkling baking soda offers limited effectiveness in killing bed bugs since it rapidly breaks down when it comes into contact with moisture. It can also be difficult and messy to sprinkle baking soda in all areas where bed bugs may hide.

Homeowners, renters, landlords, pest control professionals, parents, and travelers should research other home remedies such as washing clothes and bedding and using essential oils before attempting to use baking soda against bed bugs.

11. Using diatomaceous earth

Using diatomaceous earth can be an effective home remedy to prevent and eradicate bed bugs. Diatomaceous earth damages the protective waxy layer of the bed bug’s cuticles through sorption and abrasion, making them unable to survive. It is a cheap, nontoxic solution that has proven effectiveness in controlling pest infestations.

  • Vacuuming to remove any visible insects or eggs
  • Washing all clothing and fabrics at high temperature
  • Applying silica gel granules on infected items
  • Sprinkling baking soda in affected areas
  • Treating carpets with steam cleaning or rubbing alcohol spray

Herbal Remedies for Bed Bugs

Tea tree, lavender, peppermint leaves, black walnut tea, sweet flag, bean leaves, Indian lilac thyme and mint leaves have been used as home remedies against bed bugs.

1. Tea tree

Tea tree oil has long been used as a natural remedy for bed bugs. This essential oil is highly effective thanks to its antimicrobial properties that make it an excellent cleaning agent. To repel, and even kill, bed bugs, many have found tea tree to be extremely helpful when dealing with infestations.

In addition, chemicals found in this powerful herbal extract can harm the nervous system of these pests, making them easier to eradicate from your home or other living spaces.

2. Lavender

  • Lavender oil is a popular home remedy for deterring and potentially eliminating bed bug infestations. This essential oil contains compounds with insecticidal properties that can make the bugs feel nauseous and even lead to their death. It also has the potential to act as a repellent, keeping bed bugs away from your home or other areas.
  • The compounds in lavender oil have been proven to effectively kill some species of bugs, including bedbugs. Studies show that when applied directly, it can be lethal to up to 95% of bedbugs within 1 hour of application. Its effectiveness decreases over time but remains strong enough for several days after being used as a natural treatment.
  • Although lavender has shown promise as an effective way to get rid of bed bugs, it cannot eradicate the problem entirely on its own. When used alongside other treatments such as vacuuming, steam cleaning and washing all clothes and bedding, it could contribute towards reducing a larger population more quickly than if left unaddressed until professional help arrives . It’s important not try any natural remedies without consulting professional advice first in order avoid any adverse effects on furniture surfaces like discoloration etc.

3. Peppermint leaves

Peppermint leaves are an excellent home remedy for getting rid of bed bugs. This natural repellent has the same effect as lavender oil when it comes to bed bug remedies.

Peppermint essential oil contains menthol, which is an effective aromatic deterrent against bed bugs.

Although there is anecdotal evidence suggesting that cedar and peppermint oil may not have repellency activity against bed bugs, scientific research has revealed the effectiveness of peppermint as a bed bug repellent.

  • Peppermint leaves are often used as a flavoring in gum, toothpaste, and tea. But its most important use could be in keeping away bed bugs due to their strong smell that is disliked by insects.
  • To use peppermint leaves against bed bugs, homeowners can create a spray by mixing peppermint leaves with water or essential oils such as, lavender, citronella or eucalyptus. Or they could also make a solution with black walnut tea and sprinkle it around their home where the scent would act as an effective preventative measure against pests.
  • Furthermore, some people suggest that applying petroleum jelly to any cracks and crevices in the home will help reduce the number of bedbugs present by making it difficult for them to move from there to other areas.
  • Additionally, rubbing alcohol can also help loosen any eggs attached to surfaces while sprinkling baby powder can reduce the amount of moisture in large areas which is needed for breeding but disliked by these pests .Finally, using soap or insecticides around mattresses and along baseboards can be beneficial in eradicating infestations before they get out of control.

4. Black walnut tea

Black walnut tea is an effective, natural remedy for bed bugs due to its insecticidal properties. It has antibacterial, antifungal and insecticidal properties that can help get rid of these pests.

The tea is made from the bark of the black walnut tree, which is native to the US, and also has been used in traditional medicine.

5. Sweet flag

Sweet flag is a tall plant primarily found in wetlands and is associated with herbal remedies for bed bugs. It can be used to create an effective remedy against pesky bed bug infestations. Ogon – also known as Golden Japanese Sweet Flag – is a popular variety of sweet flag grass.

Various studies have shown that when essential oils from sweet flag, or its constituents, are used to treat areas where bed bugs rest, the pests will avoid those areas entirely due to their unpleasant odor.

This makes sweetflag an ideal choice when it comes to natural alternatives for get rid of these unwanted critters as it works just like other herbal remedies such as Indian lilac leaves which contain components known to repel them.

To make use of this natural remedy try sprinkling powdered Ogon and bean leaves on your mattresses and furniture or boiling sweetflag in water then diluting the solution with rubbing alcohol and spraying around infested areas for optimal results!

6. Bean leaves

Bean leaves is an effective natural remedy for bed bugs. In Eastern Europe, it has been used as a traditional remedy against bed bugs for hundreds of years.

Bean Leaves contain trichomes which act as tiny needles that when in contact with the body of bed bugs pierce them and trap them. Kidney bean leaves are particularly effective due to their microscopic hairs being able to stab and entrap the insects much more effectively than other species of beans.

Not only do bean leaves possess a defense against hungry insect predators, but they can also help in avoiding infestations from occurring without relying on dangerous or chemically taxing treatments such as pesticides or chemical control measures- making this naturally occurring strategy all the more attractive if you’re looking for safe ways to prevent and eradicate your infestation.

7. Indian lilac

Indian lilac is a herb adjacent to the Neem tree, which is predominantly in Northeast India. It has long been used as a medicinal supplement in traditional Ayurveda, Unani, and Homeopathic practices for its beneficial properties in treating various ailments.

Modern research has shown that this natural wonder also holds great potential in ridding of bed bugs. As it contains insecticidal properties, it can help control and eliminate bed bug infestations without any side effects.

  • Traditional use
  • Safety

8. Thyme

Thyme is one of the most effective home remedies for bed bugs and other pests. It contains thymol, an active ingredient that repels and kills bed bugs. It can be used in several ways to fight bed bugs:

9. Mint leaves

Mint leaves are widely known for their strong scent and flavor, but few people know that they can also be used as a natural remedy to get rid of bed bugs.

Mint leaves have similar repellent properties and insecticide activity against bed bugs as lavender oil and so are an effective way of fighting household pests.

The grinding up of mint leaves into a powder or paste form is often recommended by pest control experts as the best way to use them in getting rid of bed bugs.

10. Beauveria bassiana

Beauveria bassiana is a species of fungus used as an herbal remedy and home remedy for bed bug control. It has been proven effective in laboratory bioassays to be lethal to bed bugs, but totally harmless to humans, pets and furniture.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved Beauveria bassiana GHA as safe for indoor use against bed bugs.

11. Lemongrass

Lemongrass is a popular essential oil that has been found to be effective in repelling and killing bed bugs. It contains high levels of active compounds, such as lemongrass oil, carvacrol, thymol, citronellic acid, eugenol which makes it toxic to bed bugs.

Applying lemongrass directly on areas where you think the pests may be hiding can get rid of them quickly because of its acidic properties. Diatomaceous earth products containing geraniol, cedar oil and sodium have also been found to be successful when treating bed bug infestations.

Other herbal remedies include tea tree oil lavender leaves peppermint and black walnut tea sweet flag bean leaves Indian lilac thyme mint leaves Beauveria bassiana clove pyrethrum and cayenne pepper all of which can repel or kill insects naturally.

Essential oils are also popular among people who prefer nontoxic pest control solutions but keep in mind that most home remedies won’t completely eradicate these intrusive creatures so additional treatments might still be needed for long-term results.

12. Clove

Clove, which is derived from the syzygium aromaticum tree, has been used for centuries to help repel bed bugs. It is a relatively safe home remedy that can be used in aromatherapy and to make tea or ointments.

The active ingredients in clove oil are eugenol and carvacrol, which have anti-microbial properties that can kill larvae, nymphs and eggs of bed bugs on contact.

However, it does not always solve the infestation problem without professional help.

  • Make an oil blend with 3 ml of clove essential oil and 1 cup olive oil; apply the mixture on all areas where you suspect there may be bed bugs present
  • Add some dried cloves into your vacuum bag when vacuumingbedding items
  • Sprinkle fresh ground clove around areas where you believe you’ve seen evidence of bed bugs 4. Create a spray with 2 parts water and 1 part rubbing alcohol combined with 10 drops of clove essential oils 5 Gradually add few drops or diluted solution to affected area as this could harm finishes or carpets

13. Pyrethrum

Pyrethrum is a natural insecticide derived from dried chrysanthemum flowers that has been used since the mid-1800s for bed bug management.

It contains pyrethrins, naturally occurring compounds toxic to insects, and works by disrupting their nerve impulses which leads to paralysis and death.

Pyrethrum is safer alternative to synthetic insecticides, though bed bug populations have developed resistance against it.

14. Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper is a natural remedy that can be easily found in most kitchen cupboards and is believed to have the ability to kill bed bugs.

When combined with other ingredients such as ginger, oregano, and peppermint oil, it can be used as an effective way of repelling them.

The spicy compounds found in cayenne peppers are proven to effectively repel insects, making them an ideal part of home remedies for bed bug infestations.

  • Mix one teaspoon of cayenne pepper with two tablespoons of vegetable or olive oil and spread over surfaces where you think they may hide.
  • Combine one teaspoon each of ground ginger and oregano with several drops of peppermint oil into a spray bottle then evenly mist your sprayed area until slightly dampened.
  • Carefully sprinkle the cayenne pepper mix onto corners or edges around baseboards flooring or carpets for added protection againstbedbugs living within those areas too! Sprinkle some on your mattresses as well if necessary but make sure not get any inside mattress separations so no debris accumulates inside these crevices when done sprinkling !This will enable their spores killing process instantly upon contact!

Common Myths About Home Remedies for Bed Bugs

Many people have misconceptions about home remedies for bed bugs that should be debunked.

Myth #1: Homemade repellents work

Unfortunately, this is a myth. Despite the prevalence of home remedies touted online and in word-of-mouth conversations, there is no scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of these DIY solutions for bed bug extermination.

Cayenne pepper and diatomaceous earth have also been debunked as effective remedies for killing bed bugs — not only are they ineffective against adult bedbugs, but they also do nothing to kill any eggs that may be present.

Similarly, natural oils such as tea tree oil or clove oil sprays simply aren’t strong enough to penetrate deep within mattresses or box springs where bedbugs often live and hide.

Myth #2: Home remedies can completely eradicate bed bugs

Home remedies can completely eradicate bed bugs is a false myth. Despite popular belief, home remedies cannot guarantee the effective elimination of bed bugs from infested homes and properties.

Common home remedies such as washing clothes and bedding in hot water, vacuuming thoroughly to remove any visible signs of infestation or using rubbing alcohols are not proven scientifically to eliminate bed bug infestations.

For more severe outbreaks, professional extermination methods like insecticides and heat treatments are necessary for eradicating these pests effectively. Even with DIY solutions, the process must also be completed over several rounds before complete elimination can occur.

It is important therefore that all homeowners or landlords take preventative measures to ensure their property is not at risk of becoming overrun with pest as this could lead to even bigger issues down the road if left untreated completely by professionals.

Myth #3: Natural remedies are safer than professional treatments

Natural remedies for bed bugs, such as vacuuming, washing clothes and using rubing alcohol are often cited as being a safe option to deal with infestations of the pesky Uninvited Guest.

However, it is important to note that these so called home solutions do not always guarantee results. Despite the claim that natural remedies may be more eco-friendly or low cost than professional treatments, there can still be risks associated with them.

For starters, identifying an infestation can sometimes be difficult and relying solely on DIY techniques could result in inaccurate identification which could lead to ineffective treatment and consequently re-infestation.

Furthermore, DIY treatments have limits – they may eradicate some visible signs of bed bugs problem but fail to eliminate underlying invasions like eggs and larvae; therefore full destruction cannot always be guaranteed.

Other Bed Bug Remedies to Consider

There are a few other home remedies you can try to help combat and prevent bed bug infestations, including using essential oils, applying diatomaceous earth, creating a spray with peppermint leaves and oil, making a black walnut tea solution, using petroleum jelly or rubbing alcohol, sprinkling baby powder or using soap.

Using essential oils

Essential oils can be used as an alternative treatment for bed bug infestations. Their repellent properties have been studied for their use in controlling urban pests, such as bed bugs.

When applied directly to the skin of humans or animals they cause a burning sensation that deters and repels bed bugs but it’s important to note that essential oils should never be ingested by either humans or pets.

Applying diatomaceous earth

Diatomaceous earth (DE) is an effective solution to eliminating bed bugs from homes. DE can be applied through different methods, such as using a powder duster or by sprinkling it in dry, flat areas.

It is important that registered pesticide products containing DE should be used for safety and effectiveness.

Creating a spray with peppermint leaves and oil

Peppermint offers powerful insect-repellent properties and provides a cooling sensation, making it an effective natural repellent for bed bugs.

The active compound in peppermint is menthol, which has been shown to help repel many insects including bed bugs. To create a spray using peppermint leaves and oil:

  • Start by gathering fresh peppermint leaves or purchasing essential oils containing the extract from them.
  • Crush the fresh leaves into small pieces until they become paste – like in consistency
  • Fill up a spray bottle with lukewarm water
  • Add several drops of concentrated peppermint oil into the bottle and also mix in some freshly crushed leaves
  • Securely cap your spray bottle and shake before use
  • Apply this solution liberally onto furniture where you suspect potential bed bug infestations

Making a black walnut tea solution

Black walnut tea is an effective and natural method to combat bed bug infestations. The tea has powerful antibacterial, antifungal, and insecticidal properties that make it an effective pest repellent and killer.

It also helps drive bed bugs out of their hiding places. Used tea bags of black walnut can be placed in areas where these bugs hide to deter them from entering your home while eliminating those already present. To make a black walnut solution:

  • First prepare the extract by steeping 1 cup of finely chopped pieces (or powdered nuts) in 1 quart of boiled water for about 20 minutes or more until you get desired strength extraction;
  • Strain off the liquid extract from spent lees;
  • Place used teabags containing the prepared material into crevices known to harbor bedbugs, including doorways, cabinets, floor molding cracks or baseboards;
  • refresh teabags as needed – usually every few weeks when treating heavily infested locations; such refreshes help maintain an ongoing barrier against new infiltrations while helping kill existing populations on contact with spit by-products released from user nut-shells.

Using petroleum jelly

Petroleum jelly can help to repel bed bugs, as the creatures cannot grip onto it. To use this method of bed bug prevention, smear a thick layer of petroleum jelly over any metal frames or parts where the pests could be trying to climb in order to access your sleeping area.

This can work particularly well on beds with metal frame legs and also window sills you may find near your bed that the bugs might otherwise use as an entry point.

The petroleum jelly should be reapplied regularly and will need tending every single day depending on where exactly it is used in order to keep its protective capabilities strong against these intruders.

Applying rubbing alcohol

Rubbing alcohol can be an effective home remedy for killing bed bugs and their eggs. It is generally the least hazardous option as it does not produce any toxic fumes.

70% or 91% isopropyl alcohol has been found to kill up to 50% of sprayed bed bugs, making it a useful short-term solution for treating infestations in specific areas such as mattresses, furniture, clothes and other fabrics.

However, while rubbing alcohol may temporarily eradicate some of the bed bug population on surfaces where you apply it, using this alone will most likely not solve your pest problem if there are larger numbers present.

Bed bugs breed quickly and hide well so even if you manage to eliminate them in one spot they may just move elsewhere unless all potential hiding places have been treated with rubbing alcohol or more potent solutions like insecticides or heat treatment.

Furthermore, misusing rubbing alcohol could result in health hazards due to prolonged inhalation of its vapors; therefore always use caution when handling any type of product that contains it.

Sprinkling baby powder

Sprinkling baby powder is not an effective solution to prevent bed bugs from infesting your home. This method, while it can be used as part of a trap, cannot eliminate the problem entirely.

It simply makes it difficult for them to move around due to its slippery texture and can act as a barrier that must be climbed over in order to reach other areas of the house.

Using soap

Soap is a very effective remedy for getting rid of bed bugs. The high pH value and moisture-absorbing properties found in soap can help to eliminate these pesky pests quickly and easily.

When used correctly, it’s possible to completely eradicate infestations with this simple solution. To employ soap as part of your bed bug strategy:

  • Bedding, linens, clothes, rugs, furniture covers should all be laundered on the hottest water setting that they can take with regular detergent. Use oxygen bleach if colors are not colorfast; otherwise use chlorine bleach for whites
  • Add half a cup of borax per load along with the laundry detergent when washing these items – Borax works synergistically alongside the soapy hot water to kill bed bugs
  • Thoroughly scrub any mattresses or affected surfaces clean using 1/4 cup liquid dishwashing soap mixed into four gallons of lukewarm water then allow this mixture one minute contact time before wiping off the mattress or item


The best way to fight a bed bug infestation is through preventative measures. Keeping your home clean, changing out bedding regularly and checking on travels can help significantly reduce the risk of an infestation from occurring.

There are a variety of effective treatments available that range from DIY home remedies to professional pest control services.

Vacuuming, steam cleaning, washing clothes and linens in hot water, applying rubbing alcohol or essential oils, creating sprays with peppermint oil are all ways you can use natural remedies to eliminate bed bugs on their own or as part of a larger treatment strategy for more serious infestations.

Herbal remedies such as tea tree, lavender, peppermint leaves and black walnut tea may also be used in combination with other treatments to reach full eradication.

Professional exterminators have access to powerful chemicals and specialized tools that can guarantee complete elimination but always come at some cost and risk.

Remember that it is always important to take into account both the safety concerns associated with chemical-based insecticides and environmental considerations when deciding which type of treatment is right for you or your situation.