What Causes Bed Bugs

bed bugs causes

Welcome! Are you dealing with a pesky bed bug problem? We understand the frustration of finding and getting rid of these irritating insects. 

Did you know that 89 percent of pest professionals reported treating for bed bug infestations?

In this blog, we’ll discuss the common causes behind bed bugs in your home as well some tips and tricks to help prevent them from coming back.

Ready to learn more? Dive right in – let’s explore what causes bed bugs!

Key Takeaways

  • Bed bugs can be transported between locations through travel, used furniture purchases or close proximity to other infested areas.
  • Poor hygiene and cleanliness are not typically a cause of bed bug infestations but can still be contributing factors.
  • Signs of a possible bed bug infestation include live bugs, eggs, shed skins, bite marks on the skin as well as blood or fecal stains found on bedding or furniture.
  • To prevent a bed bug infestation from occurring it is important to take proactive measures such as regularly inspecting and cleaning your home; taking precautions when traveling by checking for signs of an infestation before staying in accommodations; avoiding contact with known sources of these pests; and carefully packing suitcases when departing from any accommodation.

What are Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are tiny insects that belong to the Cimicidae family. They’re parasitic creatures, meaning they feed on our blood in order to survive. 

Bed bugs can often be mistaken for other pests like mosquitoes or ticks due to their similar size and shape—they measure from 4–5 millimeters long and nearly 3–4 millimeters wide! 

And while they do not spread any diseases to humans, some people might suffer an allergic reaction after being bitten by these organisms.

Although bed bugs don’t actively seek out humanity as their only host, we seem to be particularly attractive food sources for them because of sweat—they’re drawn in by carbon dioxide exhaled with each breath we take, as well as body odors produced during sleep.

This means bed bug infestations can quickly occur if the conditions such as travel or close proximity (like in dormitories and apartments) allow these pests ample opportunity for entry into your home.

To make matters worse, individuals suffering from chronic dust allergies may develop skin inflammation caused by excessive scratching of itchy bites inflicted by the bugs– 

So it pays off for hygiene-conscious folks to keep an eye out. Folk should also watch out for visible signs of a bed bug infestation such as shed skins and eggs along with its hallmark bite marks on skin surfaces!

How Do Bed Bugs Infest Homes?

Bed bugs are tiny parasitic insects that can live and breed anywhere, but they especially thrive in close proximity to where we live. Unfortunately, accidental exposure is one of the most common causes of bed bug infestations.

Though these pests can sometimes be brought into our homes on their own as our environment changes seasonally, bedbugs are frequently transported from place to place without us knowing it. 

Travelers may unknowingly bring them home after staying in an infested hotel or other accommodation;

People living near heavily-populated areas may encounter a neighbor’s infestation and find that it spreads unexpectedly; used furniture purchases also often come with unwanted stowaways.

Even if you’re careful about avoiding contact with known sources of bed bugs, their presence could still be unintentionally carried over simply because of their small size and ability to hide. U

Unseen inside wall cracks and electrical switch plates (where they feed off any residual warmth).

Bed bug removal for your living space should not be taken lightly—it requires awareness combined with diligence in prevention — regular inspections, proper treatment methods depending on your situation all help minimize the possibility of having been exposed to this potentially damaging pest.

Common Causes of Bed Bug Infestations

Bed bug infestations can occur when people travel and stay in infested accommodations or live in close proximity to other infested areas such as apartments, hotels, and dormitories.

Read on to learn more about the causes of bed bugs!

Traveling and staying in infested accommodations

is one of the most common causes of bed bug infestations. Bed bugs are highly portable, and can travel on clothes, linens, luggage, furniture, and more. 

If your destination has a high turnover rate – such as hotels or other short-term rentals – you could be at risk for bringing these unwelcome intruders home with you.

Furthermore, international travel is also seen as a leading cause of bringing bedbugs into homes. It’s important to know that poor hygiene or cleanliness does not automatically lead to an infestation; 

These pests may still invade homes even when kept spotless! To help keep unwanted travelers from hitchhiking their way home on airplanes or hotel rooms, taking precautions while traveling is essential.

Checking beds for signs of infestation before staying in them and ensuring any used items (i.e., furniture) are thoroughly washed down before being brought into your house can significantly reduce the likelihood of running into problems upon returning home from vacation.

Close proximity to other infested areas (apartments, hotels, dormitories)

can contribute to the spread of bed bug infestations, especially in multifamily housing complexes. 

Traveling and staying in infested accommodations such as hotels, hostels, guesthouses, lodges, dormitories and temporary shelters increase the likelihood that individuals bring bed bugs home with them and thus affect their own homes or those of their families and neighbours.

In densely-populated urban areas where living spaces tend to be closely clustered together. It is particularly crucial for homeowners, renters wanting long-term rental security (such as landlords) and tenants (including students living in university compounds,) to take preventative measures against bed bugs through regular inspections.

Furthermore, frequent travelers should also remain vigilant about checking hotel rooms before settling down for the night, as well as carefully packing suitcases when departing from any accommodation.

So that they do not inadvertently transport these pests unknowingly into other locations.

Myths About Bed Bug Infestations

While poor hygiene or cleanliness is not usually a cause of bed bug infestations, it can still be one of many potential contributing factors. Learn more about common myths and how to prevent them.

Poor hygiene or cleanliness as a cause

Contrary to popular belief, the presence of bed bugs is not caused by poor hygiene or cleanliness. 

Bed bugs are able to infest homes regardless of any standards set in regards to household cleanliness or sanitation.

Even if a home is kept exceptionally clean, it does not prevent bed bug infestations from occurring.

Excessive cleaning and sanitation also provide no protective measures against bed bugs – due to their highly tenacious nature. As they can resist harsh treatment and even survive for extended periods without food sources.

Moreover, beds found in well-maintained homes may be at an increased risk of an infestation because of suspected regular contact with areas known to have a high concentration of bed bug activity like airports and hotels.

Signs and Symptoms of a Bed Bug Infestation

Visible signs of bed bugs may include live bed bugs, eggs and shed skins; bite marks on the skin may also appear to suffer from an infestation. Additionally, blood or fecal stains can be found on bedding or furniture.

Visible signs of bed bugs (live bugs, eggs, shed skins)

are a crucial indicator of a bed bug infestation. Bed bugs have unique features that enable them to be identified easily, including their oval shape and reddish-brown color. 

To detect if you have an infestation, look for live bed bugs, eggs, or shed skins which can usually be found in the crevices of mattresses, couches and furniture folds.

You may also find rusty or reddish stains on sheets and fabrics due to the excreted blood from feeding bedbugs. 

It is important for homeowners, renters, landlords, pest control professionals and other individuals wanting to address a potential issue promptly on detection – to investigate any dark spots or stains around beds and living areas regularly.

With early detection comes more effective treatment as well as decreased costs over dealing with extreme cases of infestations down the line!

Bite marks on the skin

Bed bug bites are one of the most useful clues that tell you if your home is infested with bed bugs. Bites can appear as small, flat or raised areas on the skin that may become inflamed, red, itchy and blistered.

These irritating marks often occur in clusters of 3 to 5 bites along a zigzag pattern, leaving several bite marks at once. Some people may not have any reaction to a bed bug bite while others might experience intense itching accompanied by hives or other allergic reactions.

Bites can also cause secondary bacterial infections when scratched repeatedly; prompting irritation like sores and additional itchiness around the bitten area. 

To determine if these disturbances on your skin are indicative of bed bugs, check for physical signs like live bugs, their eggs, fecal stains or shedded skins on furniture and mattresses. In order for a full diagnosis or inspection from pest control professionals who deal in insect extermination services such as termite treatment specialists.

Presence of blood or fecal stains on bedding or furniture

is one of the clearest indicators that a home has been invaded by bed bugs. 

As they feed, bed bugs deposit their fecal spots (digested blood) and causes reddish or brownish stains to appear on fabrics; these are often mistaken as dirt and can be easy to overlook.

Bloodstains on sheets may also indicate bed bug activity. In addition, black droppings from bedbugs excreted as partially digested blood entering dark-colored furniture crevices, where large populations of the pests congregate during day time hiding hours.

These telltale signs should not be ignored since they serve as important clues into understanding the presence of an infestation in your home or business environment setting. 

Bed bug fecal material can leave reddish-black spots including small larvae that many people mistake for adult bedbug feces which is important to identify if present as this serves as another indication for treatment purposes.

It’s essential to pay attention to indications of a possible infestation in order to effectively address and control it before it spread across other areas of your home, health issues start arising due to bites gotten from them resulting in infections.

Prevention and Control of Bed Bug Infestations

Taking proactive measures to prevent and eradicate bed bugs infestation is the best way to reduce the risk of being exposed to these pesky pests. 

Learn more about different ways to protect your home by reading our blog!

Regularly inspecting and cleaning your home

is essential for the prevention and control of beds bug infestations. Regular inspection of common trouble spots such as mattresses and bedding, under carpets, cracks in walls or furniture, behind pictures are the best way to prevent Bed Bugs from entering your home.

Cleaning cushions, curtains, upholstered furniture and any other places that may harbour bed bugs should be a regular habit too. Vacuuming your home can be especially effective against eggs which can remain dormant until they hatch.

It is also important that complete treatment for bed bug removal should only be handled by professional pest controllers who will conduct an initial inspection, identification of pests species. 

Before they apply steps such a heat treatment when needed to get rid preventive measures to stop them from coming back into you house again once removed successfully.

Natural remedies like dryer sheets (which contain natural insect repellents) on artifacts around the home could also help reduce chances of getting bitten, while sleeping making it difficult for bedbugs. 

Survive due its fragrance and environment generated using these harborage machines become challenging for them to grow survive making not easy place has live thrive anymore creating a less conducive spot live anymore.

Properly treating infested areas

When it comes to dealing with a bed bug infestation, it is essential that the treatment focuses on properly treating infested areas. 

This requires accurately identifying bed bugs and distinguishing them from other insects before starting the treatment process.

The most widely used solutions for eradicating bed bugs are insecticides, however there may be additional methods which can help depending on the severity of the issue. 

Heat treatments have been proven to be an effective method in killing bed bugs on clothing, bedding and items that can withstand high temperatures; these items must then either be stored in airtight bags or discarded safely.

Prevention is always key in keeping infestations at bay; regular inspections and cleanings should take place alongside precautions such as taking special care when travelling or purchasing used furniture being taken.

Taking precautions when traveling or purchasing used items

When it comes to preventing the introduction and spread of bed bugs, it’s important to be proactive. 

To avoid bringing these tiny pests home with you when traveling or purchasing used items, take certain precautions.

Always check any furniture or clothing that could have been exposed to infestations before bringing them into your home. 

When returning from a trip, inspect all luggage for blood spots, feces marks, eggs and/or live bugs.

By taking the time to carefully examine personal belongings you reduce the risk of introducing unwanted guests into your living spaces.

It is also essential to stay vigilant when packing up hotel rooms on vacation and using second-hand items at home. 

Before accepting an item like a mattress or couch from someone else, make sure they weren’t previously infested by inspecting crevices thoroughly and identify any visible signs such as fecal stains in hard-to-see areas like box springs or other parts of furniture frames.


What causes bed bugs?
Bed bugs are often introduced to homes and other buildings through the exchange of infested items such as furniture, clothing, or luggage.

How do you know if you have bed bugs?
Signs of a bed bug infestation include seeing live insects, dark spots on mattress seams and mattresses that appear stained from crushed insects. You may also experience bites on your skin when asleep in an infected area.

Can bed bugs spread diseases?
While bedbugs can be an annoyance due to their bites, they are not known to carry or transmit any human diseases at this time.

What’s the best way to remove a bed bug infestation?
The best way to remove a bed bug infestation is by using professional extermination services that use chemical treatments or steam cleaners for complete removal and prevention of recurrence.